During this difficult time school would like to advise you of the following advice and supports which are available from the Dept of Education:



The HSE have also release a COVID 19 information booklet and a series of videos

Getting ready to go to the test centre – explainer guide for children

Hand Hygiene poster

Click here to access the Covid 19 information booklets in a range of different languages.

Coronavirus / Covid-19 Advice for Schools | St. Conleth and Mary's ...

I would also like to let you know that a number of new NEPS resources, developed to support children/young people when schools are closed during the Covid-19 pandemic are now available on the Department of Education and Skills website.

These have focused on:

  • Advice for Young People While Schools are Closed
  • Guide for Parents Supporting Children with Routines
  • Plan for the Day
  • Relaxation Techniques – podcast/document
  • Talking to Children and Young People about Covid-19: Advice for Parents and Schools

These are all available on the DES Covid-19 webpage:
