Please see attached Advice document for parents on returning to school in August 2021. I am also attaching our updated COVID Response Plan and COVID Policy Statement, following a recent change from the dept since my last communication.

I would like to draw your attention to the symptoms of Covid as they have recently been updated to include the DELTA Variant. Don’t forget to complete the return to education declaration on Wednesday after 3pm (not available before this) and any time in the future if your child is absent. I would also draw your attention to a helpful page uploaded by the dept with how to protect your child advice for parents. 

When to keep your child at home

Do not send your child to school or childcare if any of the following apply.

Your child has:

  • a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or more
  • any other common symptoms of COVID-19 – a new cough, loss or changed sense of taste or smell, shortness of breath or an existing breathing condition that has recently become worse
  • been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19
  • been living with someone who is unwell and may have COVID-19
  • other uncommon symptoms of COVID-19, such as sore throat or headaches
  • diarrhoea
  • returned from another country in the last 14 days

When it’s okay to send your child to school or childcare

It’s usually okay to send your child to school or childcare if they:

  • only have nasal symptoms, such as a runny nose or a sneeze
  • do not have a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or more (as long as their temperature has not been lowered by taking any form of paracetamol or ibuprofen)
  • do not have a cough
  • have not been in close contact with anyone who has coronavirus
  • do not live with anyone who is unwell and may have coronavirus
  • have been told by a GP that their illness is caused by something else, that is not coronavirus. Your GP will tell you when they can return to school or childcare.
  • have got a negative (‘not detected’) coronavirus test result and have not had symptoms for 48 hours

Runny nose or sneezing

You do not need to restrict your child’s movements if the only symptoms they have are:

  • a runny nose
  • sneezing

If they are otherwise well, they can continue to go to school if these are the only symptoms they have.

Know the Symptoms of COVID-19

In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 it is important to know and recognise the symptoms of coronavirus (which includes the DELTA variant).

Common symptoms of coronavirus include:

  • a fever (high temperature – 38 degrees Celsius or above).
  • a new cough – this can be any kind of cough, not just dry.
  • shortness of breath or breathing difficulties.
  • loss or change in your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal
  • Fatigue
  • Aches and Pains

Other uncommon symptoms of coronavirus include:

  • sore throat
  • headaches
  • runny or stuffy noses (see above note)
  • feeling sick or vomiting
  • diarrhoea

Infection with the virus that causes COVID-19 can cause illness, ranging from mild to severe, and, in some cases, can be fatal. It can take up to 14 days for symptoms to show. They can be similar to symptoms of cold and flu.

If you or your child have ANY symptoms of COVID-19 (coronavirus), self-isolate (stay in your room) and phone your family doctor straight away to see if you need a free COVID-19 test.

Getting an early diagnosis means, you can get the help you need and take steps to avoid spreading the virus, if you have it.

For the complete list of symptoms, please refer to the HSE Website. Symptoms may be subject to change so regular review of the HSE Website is advised. If you do not have symptoms, you can get a free COVID-19 (coronavirus) test at a COVID-19 walk-in test centre.

COVID-19 Tracker App

COVID Tracker app is a free and easy-to-use mobile phone app that will:

  • alert you if you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 (coronavirus)
  • keep other app users safe by alerting them if you test positive for COVID-19
  • give you advice on what to do if you have symptoms

You can download the free app from Apple’s AppStore or the GooglePlay store

How to Minimise the Risk of Introduction of COVID-19 into Schools:

  •  Pupils to self-isolate or restrict their movements at home if they display any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 and parents should contact their family doctor to arrange a test
  • Pupils, to follow the HSE advice if they are a close contact of a suspected/ confirmed case of Covid-19.
  • Parents, pupils and staff are advised that if they have travelled outside of Ireland;you are advised to consult and follow latest Government advices in relation to foreign travel.

Please cooperate with any public health officials and the school for contact tracing purposes and follow any public health advice in the event of a case or outbreak in the school;

  • Everyone entering the school building needs to perform hand hygiene with a hand sanitiser;
  • Visitors to the school during the day shouldbe by prior arrangement or agreed with the principal in advance and should be received at reception;
  • Physical distancing (of 2m) should be maintained between staff and visitors where possible.


Click here to watch the new Back to School Advice Videos-Dept of Education

Multilingual Advice for Parents

Important NEW advice from the dept. for parents

All advice is subject to review and change and will be led by public health advice.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon,

Luimneach abú!

S Ryan